Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Summary of my stats

Here are some statics of my Blog, Facebook and Twitter profile since i joined the Social Media class:

Blog page-views:  159
Followers: 8
Posts: 8
Comments to posts: 11
Published comments: 11

The most people of my audience are from the States but i have also audience from Germany, Ireland and Sweden.

On twitter i follow 40 people/companies and i have 22 followers. Since i joined Twitter i tweeted 16 times.  I have also a few friends on my second Facebook account.

The ROI (Return on Investment)

In the last class we spoke about the Return on Investment in Social Media. Using social media tools for business is not free. It costs time, equipments and salery for workers. So companies who invest in Social Media want to get the return of their investment. They have to measure the ROI:

ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

 Checking some important points:

-Click Through Rate (CTR)
- Number of followers
- Eyeballs
- Likes on fb
- retweets on twitter

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Twitter Chat

Last week on Halloween I had the first time a twitter chat. It was really interesting. I discussed with my classmates and my professor about different topics in social media on twitter. And it worked like a real conversation. We were about 10 people and everyone was in debate. I was surprised and I have to say:
The twitter chat is a cool tool for everyone.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hey this is my first Video Blog: 

It was much difficult than i thought. Thanks to my cameraman and Producer Peter Lommels . I really appreciate it.